Dim s[1024] As Byte
Dim s_end As Long
Dim s_i As Long
Dim c As Byte
Function read_s() As Byte
If s_end <= s_i then
read_s = 0
read_s = s[s_i]
End If
End Function
Sub MainWnd_CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ans As Long
Dim ansStr[100] As Byte
s_end = GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hMainWnd,EditBox1),s,1024)
s_i = 0
c = read_s()
Function expr() As Long
Dim d1 As Long
Dim d3 As Long
d1 = term()
If c = Asc("+") Then
c = read_s()
d3 = expr()
Return (d1 + d3)
ElseIf c = Asc("-") Then
c = read_s()
d3 = expr()
Return (d1 - d3)
Return (d1)
End If
End Function
Function term() As Long
Dim d2 As Long
Dim d1 As Long
Dim d3 As Long
If c = Asc("(") Then
c = read_s()
d2 = expr()
c = read_s()
Return (d2)
ElseIf Asc("1") <= c And c <= Asc("9") Then
d1 = num()
If c = Asc("*") Then
c = read_s()
d3 = term()
Return (d1 * d3)
ElseIf c = Asc("/") Then
c = read_s()
d3 = term()
Return (d1 / d3)
Return (d1)
End If
End If
End Function
Function num() As Long
Dim v As Long
v = 0
while Asc("0") <= c And c <= Asc("9")
v *= 10
v += c- Asc("0")
c = read_s()
Return (v)
End Function
Dim s[1024] As Byte
Dim s_end As Long
Dim s_i As Long
Dim c As Byte
Function read_s() As Byte
If s_end <= s_i then
read_s = 0
read_s = s[s_i]
End If
End Function
Sub MainWnd_CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ans As Long
Dim ansStr[100] As Byte
s_end = GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hMainWnd,EditBox1),s,1024)
s_i = 0
c = read_s()
ans = expr()
End Sub
Function expr() As Long
' Dim d1 As Long
Dim d3 As Long
' d1 = term()
expr = term()
If c = Asc("+") Then
c = read_s()
d3 = expr()
' Return (d1 + d3)
expr += d3
ElseIf c = Asc("-") Then
c = read_s()
d3 = expr()
' Return (d1 - d3)
expr -= d3
' Return (d1)
End If
End Function
Function term() As Long
Dim d2 As Long
' Dim d1 As Long
Dim d3 As Long
If c = Asc("(") Then
c = read_s()
d2 = expr()
c = read_s()
Return (d2)
ElseIf Asc("1") <= c And c <= Asc("9") Then
' d1 = num()
term = num()
If c = Asc("*") Then
c = read_s()
d3 = term()
' Return (d1 * d3)
term *= d3
ElseIf c = Asc("/") Then
c = read_s()
d3 = term()
' Return (d1 / d3)
term /= d3
' Return (d1)
End If
End If
End Function
Function num() As Long
' Dim v As Long
' v = 0
num = 0
while Asc("0") <= c And c <= Asc("9")
' v *= 10
num *= 10
' v += c- Asc("0")
num += c- Asc("0")
c = read_s()
' Return (v)
End Function
Function Calc_ReversePolishEx( pobjQueue As *StrQueue, ByRef xResult As Double, ppszFuncArray As *BytePtr, pfuncArray As *PFunc_StrCalcElemR ) As Char
pobjQueue As *StrQueue ・・・逆ポーランド表記の計算式が格納されたキュー
ByRef xResult As Double ・・・計算結果を格納する変数
ppszFuncArray As *BytePtr ・・・対応する関数名を定義した配列
pfuncArray As *PFunc_StrCalcElemR ・・・関数の処理を定義した配列
返り値:成功=TRUE, 失敗=FALSE
# 参考:関数を考慮しないパタン
# Function Calc_ReversePolish( pobjQueue As *StrQueue, ByRef xResult As Double ) As Char
TypeDef PFunc_StrCalculationElementaryFuncReal = *Function( x As Double ) As Double
TypeDef PFunc_StrCalcElemR = PFunc_StrCalculationElementaryFuncReal
Function Calc_ReversePolish( pobjQueue As *StrQueue, ByRef xResult As Double ) As Char
Dim ppszArray[1] As *BytePtr
Dim pFuncArray[1] As PFunc_StrCalcElemR
ppszArray[0] = NULL
pFuncArray[0] = NULL
Calc_ReversePolish = Calc_ReversePolishEx( pobjQueue, xResult, ppszArray, pFuncArray )
End Function
Function Calc_ReversePolishEx( pobjQueue As *StrQueue, ByRef xResult As Double, ppszFuncArray As *BytePtr, pfuncArray As *PFunc_StrCalcElemR ) As Char
Dim strBuf As String
Dim pMark As BytePtr
Dim objStk As StrStack
Dim strR As String
Dim strL As String
Dim xTermR As Double
Dim xTermL As Double
Dim xRlt As Double
Dim pFuncElemR As PFunc_StrCalcElemR
Dim fError
Dim i As Long
While( pobjQueue->GetItemCount()>0 )
strBuf = pobjQueue->GetOld()
'OutputDebugString( strBuf + ", " )
If( 0<InStr( 1, strBuf, "(" ) or 0<InStr( 1, strBuf, ")" ) )Then
Calc_ReversePolishEx = FALSE
While 0 < pobjQueue->GetItemCount()
Exit Function
End If
pMark = StrPtr( strBuf )
pFuncElemR = NULL
i = 0
While( ppszFuncArray<>NULL )
If 1 < lstrlen( pMark ) Then
If 0=lstrcmp( pMark+1, ppszFuncArray ) Then
pFuncElemR = pfuncArray
Exit While
End If
End If
Select Case pMark[0]
Case 43, 45, 42, 47, 94
strR = objStk.GetLast()
xTermR = Calc_ReversePolish_ValEx( strR )
strL = objStk.GetLast()
xTermL = Calc_ReversePolish_ValEx( strL )
If pFuncElemR<>NULL Then
xTermR = pFuncElemR( xTermR )
'OutputDebugString( Ex"\r\n =" + Str$(xTermR) + Ex"\r\n" )
Else If pMark[1]<>NULL Then
'関数ポインタが無効 且つ 演算子の後ろにナニカある(=未定義の関数)
Calc_ReversePolishEx = FALSE
While 0 < pobjQueue->GetItemCount()
Exit Function
End If
Case Else
End Select
Select Case pMark[0]
Case 43 '=[+]
xRlt = xTermL + xTermR
Case 45 '=[-]
xRlt = xTermL - xTermR
Case 42 '=[*]
xRlt = xTermL * xTermR
Case 47 '=[/]
xRlt = xTermL / xTermR
Case 94 '=[^]
xRlt = xTermL^xTermR
End Select
Select Case pMark[0]
Case 43, 45, 42, 47, 94
strBuf = Calc_ReversePolish_StrDollerEx( xRlt )
Case Else
End Select
objStk.Push( strBuf )
'OutputDebugString( Ex"\r\n =" + strBuf + Ex"\r\n" )
'OutputDebugString( strBuf + Ex"\r\n" )
xResult = Val( objStk.GetLast() )
Calc_ReversePolishEx = TRUE
End Function
Function Calc_ReversePolish_ValEx( strD As String ) As Double
If strD="pi" Then
Calc_ReversePolish_ValEx = 3.14159265358979 '15桁:倍精度浮動小数点型
Else If strD="e" Then
Calc_ReversePolish_ValEx = 2.71828182845904 '15桁:倍精度浮動小数点型
Calc_ReversePolish_ValEx = Val( strD )
End If
End Function
Function Calc_ReversePolish_StrDollerEx( xD As Double ) As String
Calc_ReversePolish_StrDollerEx = Str$( xD )
If 0<>InStr( 1, Calc_ReversePolish_StrDollerEx, "e-" ) Then
Calc_ReversePolish_StrDollerEx = "0"
End If
End Function
対応している関数は Cos, Sin のみです。
Dim strBuf As String '計算式を格納
Dim obj As StringCalc_ReversePolishNotation '逆ポーランド表記への変換クラス
Dim objQ As StrQueue '逆ポーランド表記の格納するキュー
Dim ppszList[3] As *BytePtr '対応関数リスト
Dim pFuncList[3] As PFunc_StrCalcElemR '対応関数の処理リスト
Dim x As Double '計算結果を格納
ppszList[0] = "cos"
ppszList[1] = "sin"
ppszList[2] = NULL
obj.SetFunctionList( ppszList )
pFuncList[0] = AddressOf( AddFuncCos )
pFuncList[1] = AddressOf( AddFuncSin )
pFuncList[2] = NULL
strBuf = "(5+7)*sin(pi*0.5)-4"
obj.SetNumericalFormula( strBuf )
obj.TraverseTreeToQueue( VarPtr(objQ) )
Calc_ReversePolishEx( VarPtr(objQ), x, ppszList, pFuncList )
Print x
Input strBuf
Function AddFuncCos( x As Double ) As Double
AddFuncCos = Cos(x)
End Function
Function AddFuncSin( x As Double ) As Double
AddFuncSin = Sin(x)
End Function